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There is one simple thing shared by everyone involved at Seven:Ten... 'We Love To Run'.

If you love to run and have always wanted to add some track work to your running schedule then why not join us at the Jarman Park Athletic Track for our Just Run - Running Group. We are a friendly, welcoming group of athletes!!

If you are a regular runner and keen to improve your 5K, 10K or Half Marathon times, this is the perfect opportunity
to work on your technique and speed.

If you are a HYROX athlete you will be joining a dedicated community of experienced and less experienced HYROX athletes.
You will find the sessions invaluable as you prepare for your next competition.

All sessions are created and led by John Garner, our Head Coach, a former international athlete and
an experienced coach with over 25 years experience.

A Typical Session

Each Running Session lasts 75 mins and includes an element of the following:
- Easy Jog / Warm up with active stretches
- Running Drills & Strides to improve your technique
- 'Just Run' Core Session *
- An easy jog with a comprehensive cool down to ensure a proper recovery

* The Core Session will vary each week and will be designed to challenge you, taking you out of your 'comfort zone'   

Session Time:
Tuesday - 6:45am - 8:00am

Thursday 6:45am - 8:00am
Saturday - 9:15am - 10:30am

Session Fee:
Single Session - £7.00

Block of 10 Sessions - £60.00
Unlimited Membership - £42.00 per month*

*Membership includes Just Run, Strong Finish & Run Strong sessions

You don't have to come to every session.
Simply choose which session(s) you want to attend, book your place, turn up and enjoy the session.

All bookings must be made via our bookings page

We are not a Club!

It's important to stress that we are not a club, nor do we want to be.
We are an 'Open Church' and simply want to provide local runners of all abilities with the opportunity 
to take part in an enjoyable, yet challenging, track running session with other like minded people.  

- You might already be a member of a running club but are keen to run on the track once in a while
- You might enjoy running on your own but would enjoy running with a group of like minded people once in a while
- You might have always wanted to run at the track but didn't want to go on your own
- You might feel that you could improve your running technique
- You might think you will benefit from some slightly faster running sessions 
- You might not enjoy running on the roads and would prefer to enjoy the benefits of running at the track
- You might be simply be looking for a reason to get out and run! 

We all have different reasons for wanting to run but we all "Love To Run'.

Why run at the track?

Your body will appreciate the softer surface and your legs will certainly appreciate the flat terrain!!!

You might also enjoy...
- No uneven pavements!
No cyclists or scooters to avoid!
- No having to stop to cross busy roads!
- No pushchairs or children to avoid!
- No running into the road to avoid pedestrians!
- No car doors being opened in front of you!
- No dogs off their leads!
- No puddles or potholes!
- FREE parking
- Changing facilities
If you would like to receive further information about our Just Run Running Group Sessions, please complete the form below.